✓ It's difficult to be consistent, self-disciplined, or motivated.

✓ You're able to make positive change in your life, but it doesn't last and you find yourself right back where you were.

✓ You've been struggling with the same habits or goals for months or years.

✓ It's difficult to keep New Year's resolutions you made years ago.

Creating positive change can be hard. Making positive change last can be even harder.

It's not your fault.

Like most people, you were never taught the skills needed to be consistent with healthy habits to reach or maintain your body goals.

You're not alone. 

Because it can be hard to stay consistent with healthy habits, so many women struggle with weight loss.

But being consistent with healthy habits doesn't have to be hard with the right support. Ready to finally make healthy habits stick so you can reach your body goals?

Does this sound like you?

 If you struggle with productivity or don't like feeling alone when you're getting stuff done, co-working sessions are perfect for you. Our co-working sessions are live streams that you can join and get stuff done while other members get stuff done too. During these sessions you'll get much more done than you would alone, and you won't feel alone.

Co-working Sessions

When you participate in one of our challenges and win, you'll be eligible to win a prize! Prizes include Amazon gift cards, Visa gift cards, free membership, and free private life coaching. Participating in challenges is a great way to engage in friendly competition, stay motivated, and make working on your goals and habits fun so that you make progress. And the prizes are amazing! For each challenge, only one challenge winner is randomly selected for a prize, but all challenge winners are announced on the "Winners' Circle".

Prizes and Rewards

As a member, you'll receive a discount on private coaching with one of our certified weight loss coaches.

Private Coaching

We'll match you with another woman so you can get 1:1 accountability to keep you on track with your weight loss goals and habits. Studies have shown that having an accountability partner can significantly increase the chances of reaching your goal and help you reach your goal faster. In addition, people with accountability partners are more likely to develop positive habits and achieve long-lasting habit change.

An Accountability Partner

This is an online community where you can connect with like-minded women wanting to get better at being consistent and self-disciplined with habits. From this community, you’ll be able to get weekly accountability, motivation, and encouragement. Also, in this community, you'll be able to share and celebrate your "wins", participate in fun challenges, and earn online badges for your progress!

A Private, Women-Only Community

Each month you'll be able to attend an online coaching session or workshop via Zoom. (If you're not able to attend, you can watch the recording later.) These are events for you to receive training and coaching, and to get your questions answered.

Group Coaching and Workshops

Enjoy 4 new resources each month. These resources include step-by-step trainings, powerful worksheets, fun challenges, checklists, and guides. These resources are designed to guide you and speed up your weight loss success. We know many of our members are busy, so our resources are designed to be time-efficient and easy to digest.

Monthly Resources

As a member, you'll receive access to:


We offer a money-back guarantee.

We know the Motivated Progress Academy changes lives for the better. But if you're still hesitant, we want to make it risk-free for you to become a member. 

If you feel like you don’t get value from our academy after you become a member, just email us within 14 days and we'll refund your payment. This way you can try out the academy and not wonder what you're missing out on.

It’s that simple. No risk for you, just a 14-day opportunity.

And if you decide that you'd like to remain a member after your 14-day trial, you can cancel your subscription at any time. So, there's no long-term commitment. Stay for as short or as long as you need to get the results you want in your life.

You can join the Motivated Progress Academy and get access to everything listed above.

Our Complete Confidence Guarantee


If you gave yourself access to the right support, motivation, and accountability, how different could your life be in a few months from today? How different would you feel? 

Join Motivated Progress Academy today, so you can go from where you are now to living your best life. You can cancel your membership at anytime. 

We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Let's make it happen!